ATENCIÓN: Debido a su éxito y reputación, INDUSTECHNIC es víctima de un robo de identidad, lo que da lugar a que se nos envíen correos electrónicos, que no proceden de nuestra empresa, con un listado de piezas electrónicas en venta. Todas nuestras direcciones de correo electrónico terminan en NO RESPONDA A NINGÚN CORREO ELECTRÓNICO PROCEDENTE DE DIRECCIONES INUSUALES.

Mantenimiento electrónico

Industechnic is at your service to repair your industrial electronic equipment.

metiers_industechnicYou need :
- To find a reactive and reliable company, that knows how to respond to a large panel of electronical problems.
- To have quick and efficient interventions.
- To decrease electronic maintenance costs.

Our solutions :
- Free quotation within 48 hours.
- Component-level repairs done under 15 days.
- On-site interventions.
- Obsolete components and equipment researches.
- Testing methods elaboration.
- Check-up and calibrating
- Conception and manufacturing of maintenance tools (e.g.: testing tool for ABB robot : X 58, X 88, BR2200, BR 2210, S4, S4C, S4C+, Siemens, Fanuc, Indramat, etc...).
- Equipments up-grades, restoration, rebuilding and modernization (Retrofit).

Our means :
- Experienced technicians able to work with our engineering department.
- Adaptated testing systems.
- Commercial and technical follow-up.

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